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The PS Factor: 21 Days to Greatness
Welcome Video
Introduction Video (3:23)
New Lecture (3:11)
21 Days to Greatness Coaching Packet
21 Days to Greatness Coaching Packet
Get Ready for Greatness Workbook
Seven Stage Consulting Process
The Seven Stage Consulting Process (14:12)
Mindfulness Meditations
Daily Meditation
Seven Habits to Greatness
Seven Habits to Greatness - Introduction (2:20)
Day 1 - The Habit of Forgiving (2:36)
Day 2 - The Habit of Releasing (1:56)
Day 3 - The Habit of Loving (2:26)
Day 4 - The Habit of Giving (3:01)
Day 5 - The Habit of Expecting (3:54)
Day 6 - The Habit of Sharing (3:33)
Day 7 - The Habit of Silence (3:26)
Bonus - Four Moment in Time
Seven Steps to Overcoming Adversity
Seven Steps to Overcoming Adversity - Introduction (3:11)
Day 8 - Step #1: Remember adversity builds character. (2:23)
Day 9 - Step #2: Find the courage within. (2:43)
Day 10 - Step #3: Keep you eye on your goal. (2:32)
Day 11 - Step #4: Cherish the small victories. (2:09)
Day 12 - Step #5: Know that it's ok to Q.U.I.T. and R.U.N. as you P.R.A.Y. and F.I.G.H.T. (5:21)
Day 13 - Step #6: Develop the ability to keep getting up. (1:49)
Day 14 - Step #7: Turn your scars into trophies. (4:48)
Bonus - Only Quality People
The Progressive Mindset Theory
The Progressive Mindset Theory - Introduction (0:22)
Day 15 - Caveman Mentality (1:03)
Day 16 - Slave Mentality (0:57)
Day 17 - Farmer Mentality (1:12)
Day 18 - Fisherman Mentality (0:47)
Day 19 - Hunter Mentality (0:55)
Day 20 - Warrior Mentality (1:25)
Day 21 - Christ-Like Mentality (2:18)
Bonus - The PS Factor (1:21)
The Quiz
Even More Bonus Material!
The Undeniable Truth
Five Areas of Mastery
Seven Shades of Truth
Day 21 - Christ-Like Mentality
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