Richard Cuff is CEO of ConcinTel, LLC, president of CTI Marketing, founder of NASEMBA Business Alliance - an organization that provides support and encouragement to small and emerging market businesses.
Richard developed the Get Ready for Greatness Coaching series to help entrepreneurs unleash their greatness and make a difference in communities they serve.
He discovered his gift of entrepreneurship as a seven-year old, while in the second grade - painting Hot Wheel cars for a quarter using his mother's fingernail polish - and over the next forty plus years he would spend his life pursuing his entrepreneurial vision and sharpening his managerial skills.
A standup comedian, personal development coach, author, and inspiring public speaker, this husband and father of two possesses a level of spiritual maturity that, through his Get Ready for Greatness seminars, allows his audiences to experience firsthand why he believes laughter is truly like a medicine.
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